The Moon enters Gemini on December 13, 2024, in North America, culminating to full at 1:01 am PST December 15, 2024 (your time).
Tweedledum and Tweedledee
Agreed to have a battle;
For Tweedledum said Tweedledee
Had spoiled his nice new rattle.Just then flew down a monstrous crow,
As black as a tar-barrel;
Which frightened both the heroes so,
They quite forgot their quarrel.By John Byrom
Luna spins her top in Gemini, coming into an immediate trine to Pluto in Aquarius at 0˚. A profusive log jam of information jangles our nervous systems from the word ‘go!’. Spastic twin energy is electric and messy, and by the light of this silvery swollen Moon, we might all just go mad. Like the checkered costume of a harlequin, there is so much binary, flip-flop, Jupiter/Mercury slapstick in the sky you won’t know whether you are coming, going, or gone.
Our Lady of Whimsey is rosy-cheeked and rummy, with too much of everything pumping through her veins. Her ruler Mercury, although befuddled and exaggerating in Sagittarius (Retrograde at 6˚) seems hell bent on sharing his ideas with a crazed and frustrated Mars (Retrograde 5˚ of Leo). Maybe it’s Luna’s bright light standing opposite him. Or perhaps the sweet promise of chasing a sextile with Venus (flirting from 8˚of Aquarius), but somehow, some way, Mercury turns it around, and a heated crusade is averted. Twelve short hours after the Gemini Full Moon moment, Mercury slams on the breaks in time to barely miss building a runaway fire with the deeply disgruntled Ares. What a relief! Or is it?
There seems to be something to celebrate with both Benefics shining on this very busy Moon. Jupiter retrograde at 15˚ Gemini is, however, within 3˚ of an exact square to Saturn in Pisces 13˚, which will perfect Christmas Eve. A game of Truth and Consequences looms even among all the silly party vibes. Festivities hosted by a boozy cad lost in the wilderness of big ideas may leave guests fried from frolicking.
Take care not to make an ass of yourself or anyone else for that matter. If this can’t be avoided, be sure there is no video footage to tether you to the memory.
Something you would have rather not known may be revealed with this Moon. Over the weekend and through Monday, crossed wires may suddenly connect. An announcement of something once hidden coming over the loudspeaker could further confuse and vex you, me, and everyone else we know.
But take heart: the Sabian Symbol for 24˚ Gemini (rounding up from 23˚ 52’ of Gemini) is “Children Skating On Ice.” Refuse to be defeated, but check to be sure the ice is thick enough for skating before you take your buddies out for a little winter lunacy. Don’t make this your final cold plunge.
Consider this:
In short, have fun, but keep Saturn in mind. Just as in the nursery rhyme of Tweedledum and Tweedledee, the black crow of fear may offer us a lesson in restraint. Enjoy the folly, the jolly, the creative mind glowing Wordle of ideas that will surely pepper your thoughts. Choose adaptogens over hallucinogens as Neptune squares this lunation. The landscape of deception and intoxicated beliefs could have unpleasant repercussions.
Check the Gemini Sagittarius axis of your natal chart to clock the themes this Moon will highlight in your life. Mutable angled people and planets between 21˚ and 24˚ of the mutable signs will be the most affected. Even if your chart seems largely untouched, stay away from ideas like taking apart your computer because “you’re pretty sure you know how to fix it.” And, if you want to avoid major fuck ups, lay low and binge-watch reruns of Jackass.
Mercury and Mars are already bringing a lot of laughs 😆 This is awesome, Liz, thank you!
Oh my had to do a synastry for myself. Think I'm going to love the 15th Gemini Full Moon more than most. Transit Mercury is on my Descendant (in the wee hours of Sun Morn for me) as I will be in Banff with Hubby and old friends in town for my upcoming Solar return.
Within hours Transit Mercury will Station and Mars will be backing away from a trine from Mercury, when I suspect good coffee and croissants with spectacular view, will make perfect one on one conversations for this Sag Sun/Gem Rising. Fingers crossed,