Please enjoy this guided meditation for Gemini season. You can come back to it again and again whenever you feel a need for deep relaxation.
Begin by nesting yourself in a comfortable position, allowing your body to sink into the supportive surface beneath you. As you draw a deep, nurturing breath into your lungs, imagine the air as a gentle, healing energy. As you release your breath, allow your eyes to softly close and every muscle in your body to surrender to a state of profound relaxation.
Gemini, the celestial Twins and messenger of the gods, presides over the lungs and arms. Let's honor this season by focusing our meditation on these areas, inviting the wisdom and communication of Gemini into our experience.
Visualize a soothing, celestial light descending from the heavens, guided by the Twins, and entering your lungs as you inhale. This divine energy fills your chest, infusing your being with tranquility and peacefulness. As you exhale, imagine any stress or worries being swept away on the breath, carried off by Gemini's swift winds.
Now, let your awareness gently drift down to your arms. From the broad planes of your shoulders to the delicate tips of your fingers, envision a wave of relaxation washing over them, like a warm, summer breeze. Feel every fiber of your muscles release and relax, growing warm and heavy, as if bathed in the golden light of the setting sun.
Gemini, an air sign, is graced with lightness and agility. Embrace this celestial energy by envisioning yourself as weightless as the air, free from all burdens. Imagine the swift wings of the celestial messenger at your back, guiding you towards clarity and insight.
Allow yourself to continue breathing deeply, each inhalation inviting a deeper sense of peace and calm. Each breath is a message from the universe, a reminder of your intrinsic connection to the cosmic dance.
With every breath, envision a light, airy energy filling your lungs, expanding them fully. Feel this lightness spread throughout your body, bringing a sense of ease and relaxation. Now, imagine your exhales as a swift breeze, representing Gemini's adaptability and speed. With each exhale, send any tension or anxiety out with the wind, allowing it to carry away your worries.
Continue to breathe in this way, feeling the lightness of air and the swift movement of the wind. Let the energy of Gemini bring clarity and adaptability to your mind. As you breathe, return your attention to your shoulders, arms, and hands. Let the peaceful breaths send tingles of energy to those parts of your body. If you feel called, give yourself a big hug, thanking your arms and hands for the connections and care they bring into your world.
When you feel ready, very slowly open your eyes. Take a moment to return to your surroundings, carrying the wisdom of Gemini and the tranquility of your meditation with you. Allow the twin messengers of the gods to guide your thoughts and actions as you navigate the world, embodying the lightness and adaptability of Gemini throughout the season.
Alison Dale is an artist, ecological astrologer, and somatic guide based in the traditional lands of the Tewa people, known today as Santa Fe, NM. She is also the host of the podcast Cycles of Time (@cyclesoftimepodcast). Learn more about her work and current offerings at or on Instagram at @astro.somatics.