Big planetary ingresses. Eclipse sign changes. Extraordinary outer planet aspects and a feisty Venus retrograde—oh my! A new zeitgeist is brewing in 2025. Bringing more questions than answers, this is bound to be a mind-bending, liminal year that beckons the daring hero and the warrior of the heart side by side in an epic game of futuring. When slow is fast, structure is freedom, and AI is your new therapist, may we evoke imaginal cells capable of creating a life-affirming reality from the inside out and the bottom up.
Though you may be familiar with year-ahead forecasts by now (!), here’s another handy list of planetary highlights followed by AO’s Love Letters to each Rising Sign. Written by Neva, Heather, and Alison, we hope you enjoy their unique missives on what’s available in the year of the great turning.
Thank you in advance for riding 2025 with us!
-The AO Team
Planetary Highlights 2025
January – February: The beginning of the year, as you may be experiencing, started slowly with Mars debilitated in Cancer but picks up later in February after Jupiter, and then Mars turns direct. Look for a dreamy stellium once the Sun ingresses into Pisces on Feb. 18, followed by the New Moon on Feb. 27.
Jan. 3 - Mars (1° Leo) opposes Pluto (1° Aquarius)
Jan. 6 - Mars Rx re-enters Cancer
Jan. 11 – Lunar nodes shift into Pisces/Virgo
Feb. 4 – Jupiter Stations Direct 11° Gemini
Feb. 23 - Mars Station Direct 17° Cancer
March: Venus marks the spot, vehemently asking, “What does this heart really, really want, hot with fire, quenched by water?” Punctuated by eclipse season (including the final one in Aries), fate decrees a shift in priorities. What’s the final chapter of your Aries/Libra eclipse story? Once Neptune enters Aries, you’ll use everything you learned and more.
March 1 - Venus retrogrades at 10° Aries
March 14 – Total South Node Lunar Eclipse at 23° Virgo
March 29 – Partial North Node Solar Eclipse at 9° Aries
March 30 - Neptune enters Aries (until 10/22, when it re-enters Pisces for the rest of 2025)
April: Bigger and braver actions ahead, grounded in love and trust, give the final Mars-Pluto opposition a dynamic farewell. Empowerment is the name of the game, though it may take a few mishaps in communication to get it right, thanks to Mercury’s first retrograde of the year.
April 2 – Mercury retrogrades at 9° Aries through 26° Pisces on April 26
April 12 - Venus Stations Direct at 24° Pisces
April 18- Mars enters Leo
April 26 - Mars (3° Leo) opposes Pluto (3° Aquarius)
April 30 – Venus re-enters Aries
May: Saturn enters Aries and comes within one degree of Neptune through September. Get acquainted with this odd, generational pairing, a mix of fantasy and reality hosted by Mars. How committed are you to your dreams?
May 24 - Saturn enters Aries (until 9/1, when it re-enters Pisces for the rest of 2025)
June – August: Summer warms up with significant planetary movements. Welcome exalted Jupiter, a 12-month spa just in time to sooth an earth-shaking square between Mars and Uranus and the final square between Jupiter and Saturn. Look for the emotional support you need in your Cancer house. Come July, Uranus blows into airy Gemini for the better part of the year, hyperlinking the noosphere with a restless energy for innovation. Setting off rare outer planet aspects, Uranus will sextile Neptune and trine Pluto through early October (by whole sign house) and then again in 2026. Get ready to download your new operating system tuned to the improbable!
June 9 - Jupiter enters Cancer
June 15 - Mars (28° Leo) squares Uranus (28° Taurus) and Jupiter (1° Cancer) squares Saturn (1° Aries)
July 4 - Neptune Stations Rx (2°Aries)
July 7 - Uranus enters Gemini (until 11/9 for the rest of 2025)
July 13 - Saturn Stations Rx (1° Aries)
July 17 - Mercury retrogrades at 15° Leo to 4° Leo, August 11
August 8/9 - Mars (1° Libra) opposes Saturn Rx, then Neptune Rx (1° Aries)
September – October: Eclipse season reigns in the iconic heart of the Pisces/Virgo axis. Co-present with Saturn, look for the balance between holding on and letting go. What do you really have control of, after all? Personal boundaries may hold the answers. Listen to your body. Listen to your heart.
September 1 - Saturn re-enters Pisces
September 6 - Uranus turns Rx at 1° Gemini
September 7 - Total North Node Lunar Eclipse at 15° Pisces
September 21 - Partial South Node Solar Eclipse at 29° Virgo
October 22 - Neptune re-enters Pisces
November - December: In the final months of 2025, there’s much to be gained when we grok, in our bones, that this life, this human life, matters. Our grief matters. Change is constant, and divine order is a thing. There’s nothing like experience and conviction to teach us exactly which road to take, even if we must double back and re-affirm or change direction. Opportunities to change the status quo abound, with Mars leading the charge in December.
November 2 - Jupiter (25° Cancer) trines Saturn Rx (25° Pisces)
November 4 - Mars (0° Sag) opposes Uranus Rx (0° Gemini)
November 7 - Uranus Rx enters Taurus
November 9 - Mercury retrogrades at 6° Sagittarius to 20° Scorpio, November 29
November 11 - Jupiter turns retrograde at 25° Cancer
November 19 - Jupiter (25° Cancer) trines Saturn Rx (25° Pisces)
November 27 - Saturn stations direct at 25° Pisces
December 8 - Mars (25° Sag) squares Saturn (25° Pisces)
December 14 - Mars (29° Sag) squares Neptune Stationing Direct (29° Pisces).
Dear Jack of Aries,
Mars chugging along in your Cancer fourth house through April is no moonwalk. But if you’re willing to tear down a wall or two (inside or out), you’ll be primed for what 2025 has to offer. Here’s a hint… polish your sword and shield; you’ll need them.
To meet the moment, I suggest emulating the master of fire-jumping himself, Jack Be Nimble. With Saturn and Neptune making history in your first house for a 3–4-month internship come April, you’ll undoubtedly be called to courageous acts fueled by your highest ideals. Be like Jack, dear Aries, nimble and light.
Venus will perform her feisty brand of walking on coals, too, in both directions, pushing your desire for leading-edge solutions to seemingly intractable issues. If beauty and awe are a barometer, go there. Lead compassionately and align with the right people in your hero’s quest.
Between Venus’s last dance in your twelfth house March-April, and the eclipses bringing fate to your door, Pisces (12th) and Virgo (6th), please ground your warriorship, not in facts alone (those will be so hard to decipher this year!), not in the façade of control, but in your heart.
And remember to rest. Jupiter’s entrance into your fourth house in June creates a comfortable palace for you—a place to wash away tears of injustice. I predict you’ll need respite wherever and whenever you can find it.
Once Uranus blasts into your third house of Gemini, your thoughts will fly faster than your Wi-Fi, potentially jamming the local airwaves with too many great ideas. Get used to it. The rebel planet stays in one zodiac sign for about seven years. Organizing mutual aid projects for burnt-out activists may be precisely what a tireless fighter needs.
Jack be nimble, Jack be light
Way way up into the sky
Tumbles up and touches down
Landing like a butterfly
Jack be nimble, Jack jump high!
Your Cosmic Rhyme
Dear, Dear Terra,
Stock up on those bourgeois textures, Taurus—you’ll want a luxe cocoon for the subtle yet seismic shifts 2025 has in store. This year, transformation doesn’t roar; it hums, quietly quaking your foundations as Venus orchestrates a slow, soulful remix of your inner world. The North Node has finally moved on, giving your sanctums a breather from last year’s appetite. But while the intensity eases, your inner phoenix fans its flames, preparing to rise from the depths of your chart’s hidden empire.
With the sacred geometry of your flora, Venus retrogrades through Aries and Pisces, beckoning you to retreat and realign. From March 1st to April 12th, your goddess activates introspection with spicy romanticism in your private world and back again. This is your season to nurture timeless joys—revisit those childhood hobbies or creative dreams that made your heart sing. Forget external applause; the real magic lies in rediscovering what fulfills you from within.
Eclipses dot the calendar, with Virgo’s on March 13th highlighting your creative order and September’s in Pisces stirring your social waters. Reflection, not reaction, is your game plan here. These cosmic events are more about recalibrating than charging ahead—luckily, patience is one of your superpowers. Think of it as tending the soil for your inner garden, even if the blooms are still a season away.
Meanwhile, Neptune and Saturn pair up in Aries, challenging you to balance inspired dreaming with grounded action. This spring, you’ll have the tools to craft a spiritual practice or creative project with real staying power.
Your stock rises in June as Jupiter nourishes your trips around town. By July, Uranus zips out of your rising sign after 7 years! This punk rocker is heading to Gemini, energizing those Venusian values with electrifying ideas for your next album or visual art. Whether you cash in on this abundance as a side hustle, a savvy investment, or ditching tradition for freedom, you’re laying the groundwork for a future only you can cultivate.
Trust the slow quake beneath your feet, Taurus—this is certainly not a swan song kind of year.
Your Muse
My Dearest, Most Curious Twins,
The stars hum with change in 2025,
A symphony of expansion, transformation, and renewal.
This is your year to embrace your voice, rediscover your power,
And nurture the foundation of your truest self.
As Saturn steps into Aries, it activates your eleventh house,
The realm of friendships, community, and dreams for the future.
This is a time to build meaningful connections with those who align
With your vision for the world you want to create.
Saturn asks you to commit to your goals,
Turning idealistic dreams into practical, lasting realities.
Neptune follows Saturn into Aries, adding softness to its structure.
Here in your eleventh house, Neptune inspires you to dream big,
To envision a future guided by compassion and collective care.
Your connections may feel more spiritual, your friendships deeper,
And your purpose more aligned with something greater than yourself.
Uranus, the planet of reinvention, shifts into Gemini,
Electrifying your first house of identity and self-expression.
This is your time to redefine who you are and how the world sees you.
Uranus brings sudden shifts, bold changes,
And the courage to embrace your unique individuality.
Let this energy awaken you—your brilliance is undeniable.
Jupiter moves into Cancer, blessing your second house of resources,
Self-worth, and financial security.
This is a time of abundance, where growth in your finances
Reflects the confidence you’re cultivating within yourself.
Jupiter reminds you to value yourself deeply,
For what you believe you deserve, the universe will provide.
The nodes of fate shift into Pisces and Virgo,
Activating your tenth and fourth houses.
The North Node in Pisces draws you toward your calling,
Encouraging you to trust your intuition in your career and public life.
Meanwhile, the South Node in Virgo asks you to release control,
To let go of perfectionism in your private world.
Balance your ambitions with the care and grounding of your roots.
Gemini Rising, 2025 is a year where your identity, values, and purpose
Will shine with clarity and brilliance.
The cosmos invite you to step fully into yourself,
To align your dreams with action,
And to embrace the changes that guide you toward your highest potential.
Trust in the rhythm of the stars—you are becoming who you were meant to be.
With love for your boundless curiosity,
The Universe
Water-logged Cancer,
I hope you’re feeling comforted, in an anticipatory way, about Jupiter’s grand entrance into your Cancer first house later this year. Sing hallelujah! It will likely feel like an endowment of soft and cuddly goodies for the worn-out soul.
This is especially poignant for you, dear Crab, because Mars has been dredging cast-off carcasses of self-image that have haunted you since childhood. Do you know what makes you feel secure-attached? Is your style of nurturing changing? Come June, you’ll grow a new shell, expanding your heart deeper and farther than ever.
Your new training wheels will be informed by Saturn and Neptune entering your tenth house of ambition and reputation, April/May through October. These powerhouse planets in Aries may push you toward hyper-level leadership in your career, testing your iron will.
Venus’s retrograde in March/April, from the tenth to the ninth house, will drive you to re-assess or double down on your core beliefs. Channel your inner crab—tough shell, soft heart. With so many standing in line for your attention, focus on who needs your love and protection most.
Adding another layer to your molting process this year, the Pisces-Virgo eclipses, your ninth and third houses, bring fated changes that highlight the road less traveled. Walk the balance between listening to your intuition as much as your spreadsheet.
Have faith and look to Uranus in your Gemini eleventh house of allies if you need extra support manifesting leading-edge, sky-’s-the-limit solutions. Innovative ideas are your everything come July, catapulting your most ardent friends to hop on top.
Yum, yum,
The Delicious New Us
Your Highness of the Sun,
Has Mars in your Cancer twelfth house taken some polish off your shine? I feel ya. Hopefully, licking your wounds has taught you something important about your intrinsic nature. Come mid-April, Mars will roar back into your first house with a laser light comb for your matted mane. Self-confidence renewed, you’ll be ready to leap forward.
And not a moment too soon. 2025 is crafting opportunities for you to expand your horizons, regal friend. With Neptune and Saturn gracing your ninth house come April/May for a three-month preview, dare to dream of far-away places… then reel it in just a tad. A worldwide trip may be a big ask, but putting yourself wholeheartedly into something meaningful is a real win.
Look to Venus, who will help you sort through relationships as she travels back and forth through the jungles of your eighth and ninth houses, March-April. It’s critically important for you to choose your litter mates wisely, Leo. You can’t journey to high places with just anyone.
The eclipses along the Pisces-Virgo axis (eighth to second houses) are a resource see-saw. Spending money on a grand adventure may not meet your spreadsheet goals, but can you put a price on what makes life worth living? I believe 2025 will give you plenty of opportunities to play in those tangled vines.
Regarding prosperity, you can lean on Jupiter starting in June for the remainder of the year. Entering his sign of exaltation, your twelfth house, the rewards for doing the hard work now will water you with the solo time you need to stand proud. Nothing beats the work you do from the comfort of your home. Dare to invite friends into your deep lair. And you’ll have plenty of those once Uranus swoops into your eleventh house, Gemini, in July. Prepare for a busy social calendar with eccentric friends who will applaud your witty ideas and coy sense of humor. For what it’s worth, these are your peeps for the seven-ish years.
Yours in the Light,
The Pivotal Year
Dear Apothecaiden,
2025 begins your ultimate cleanse. With the South Node entering Virgo on January 11th, the time has come to purify. Gather your herbs and arrange them in an ouroboros—this is a year of cosmic detox and divine refinement. Outdated narratives? Gone. That critical inner roommate? Finally evicted.
Eclipses in Virgo on March 13th and September 21st grind down your self-concept through a vintage mortar and pestle, leaving only what is essential. Meanwhile, the Pisces eclipse on September 7th stirs your 7th House of relationships, potentially swapping the locks on your closest connections. These cosmic mirrors may reveal uncomfortable truths, but they reflect the alignment of self and others you’re destined to find.
Venus retrograde (March 1st–April 12th) moves through your 8th House of intimacy and 7th House of partnerships, unearthing patterns in how you give and receive. Like Inanna descending through the underworld, this transit strips away what no longer serves you, revealing the jewels of righteous connection. Use this time to clarify your relationships, but wait until mid-April to commit to changes—you deserve nothing less than fruitful pomegranates.
Neptune and Saturn migrate from your 7th House to your 8th this spring, a celestial donation of your old English literature box to fate. Discern carefully—you may want to buy those books back by autumn. Neptune dreams up new spiritual depths in shared resources, while Saturn builds sustainable structures to keep them from washing away. Dream boldly, but secure those rose-colored lenses on an eyeglass cord.
By July, Uranus in Gemini strides boldly into your 10th House. Hello, full visibility! Are you nervous or what? Eureka to freedom and innovation in your career. Pair brilliance with discernment, Virgo—this Fool is yours.
Trust the alchemy of 2025. The liminal space you occupy now will leave you luminous.
Your Magician
To My Harmonious Beacon of Justice,
The stars weave a tapestry for you in 2025,
Rich with transformation, beauty, and profound alignment.
This is your year to strengthen bonds, expand horizons,
And step boldly into your radiant potential.
As Saturn strides into Aries, it lights up your seventh house,
The sacred realm of relationships and partnerships.
It calls for clarity, commitment, and truth—
A reminder that love, at its core, is a choice as much as it is a feeling.
Some connections will deepen, becoming the pillars of your world;
Others may fade, freeing you for what’s aligned with your highest self.
Neptune, too, moves into Aries, bringing its dreamlike touch.
It softens Saturn’s edges, inviting compassion and soulful connection.
In the dance of partnership, Neptune urges you to dream,
But also to discern between illusion and reality.
Seek the magic in your bonds, but keep your feet on solid ground.
Uranus shifts into Gemini, electrifying your ninth house of exploration.
Here, it sparks your thirst for knowledge and adventure,
Calling you to explore new lands, philosophies, and ideas.
Unexpected opportunities may arrive,
Broadening your horizons and shattering old beliefs.
This is a time to embrace the unknown—
Let your curiosity guide you to the extraordinary.
Jupiter ascends into Cancer, illuminating your tenth house of legacy.
Here, it blesses your career, public life, and ambitions.
Recognition and success feel closer than ever,
As doors open to elevate your dreams.
Step forward with confidence, dear Libra Rising—
The world is ready to see you shine.
And as the nodes of fate shift into Pisces and Virgo,
They awaken your sixth and twelfth houses.
The North Node in Pisces guides your daily life toward deeper meaning,
Asking you to infuse your routines with creativity and care.
The South Node in Virgo whispers of release—
Let go of perfectionism, of self-imposed limits,
And trust the greater flow of the universe.
Libra Rising, this year is a celestial dance,
Balancing responsibility and magic, ambition and rest.
The cosmos urges you to harmonize your inner and outer worlds,
To strengthen the bonds that nourish your soul,
And to rise, ever graceful, into the brilliance of your becoming.
With love for your light,
The Cosmos
Serpentine Friend,
You must be tired after traveling for what must seem like an eternity. Whether by plane, train, or automobile, there’s no end to how far you go (body, mind, and heart) to help a beloved (even while side-stepping your emotions). However, with Mars retrograde in your ninth house, I wonder if you’re making enough time for yourself. Does your worldview include joy?
Let these final months of Mars in Cancer (through mid-April), and the Pisces-Virgo eclipses lead you to this dark thought… even a brooding mastermind like yourself can revel in pleasure, laugh out loud, or write a sonnet. And if it means turning a blind eye to inner and outer critiques, I’ve got your back.
If you don’t lean into your creative, emotional life, your body might retaliate. Receive Venus’s song as she traverses your fifth and sixth houses during her retrograde dance, March-April. She’s a harbinger of what’s to come when Neptune and Saturn make a fiery entrance into Aries later this year for a three-month taste of 2026. If you don’t soak the fire in your desire, you might get burned.
Fortunately, Saturn and Neptune in Aries will energize you to adopt healthier habits. But be careful. Neptune could have you running a marathon while Saturn twists your ankle. Don’t let blind ambition run roughshod over physical limitations.
Once Jupiter enters your ninth house, you may encounter more opportunities to travel, take up a new course of learning, or become a guru. I suggest any practice that brings you closer to your values.
You could also try partnering with your favorite technology. How about an AI personal coach? When Uranus enters your eighth house, Gemini, you will find a never-ending airstream of innovative other-worldly collaborations and resources to spark your creativity.
From my Stinger to Yours,
Oh, Sag, You Fire Archer,
Like a wet sponge squeezed tightly, soul contracts moisten your fiery nature with teary lament. Emotional and financial entanglements provoke your fierce protector. It’s a beautiful thing, but I do hope Mars transiting your eighth house has helped you cut through fundamental beliefs about how you care for others. Enmeshment is a tricky mistress.
This unpredictable year of 2025 is like walking a tightrope with a bow and arrow, requiring a tender balance of righteous selfishness and emotional reciprocity. With Saturn and Neptune dominating your fifth house of joy from April/May through October, please consider re-writing the adventure story of your current incarnation. What inspires you, and how hard are you willing to work to experience the hot flames of a passionate life? Who and what needs to be considered in this liberating dance? Venus sparking from Aries to Pisces and back again in March-April will help you assess what you’re willing to stand for.
To walk the mutable line gracefully, look to your angular houses where the Pisces-Virgo eclipses will bounce from your tenth and fourth places. The heart is in the home, but your wanderlust calls. Put down the good book of rights and wrongs, and let yourself bathe in the comfort of your inner world for answers. Even the best biographies are laced with a tad of fiction.
Come June, Jupiter in Cancer will call you to emotional accountability, repeatedly gifting you with abundant eighth-house reciprocity. Sometimes, giving is receiving, and receiving is giving. Often, they are one in the same.
Uranus in Gemini will stir the winds of your seventh house, making close relationships as unpredictable as your chameleon soul. Staying connected to loved ones may require a solid Wi-Fi connection. Viva the excitement for the next seven-ish years!
Your Fellow Acrobat of Life
Dear Mr. Aurelius,
2025 arrives with Saturn’s clipboard in one hand and Neptune’s paintbrush in the other, ready to renovate your foundations. As the South Node shifts into Pisces on January 11th, your focus moves from the home battlefront to refining your communication and day-to-day rhythms. It’s time to direct with less instruction manual, more sonnet.
Mars retrograde starts the year with a passive-aggressive whimper in Cancer, your 7th House of partnerships. From January 6th to February, you may find yourself mentally composing emails that start with, “Per my last message...” Instead of letting frustration simmer, try stepping back. Practice your Capricorn specialty: patience. By April, you’ll be negotiating terms with the precision of a contract lawyer and none of the drama.
When Venus retrogrades through Aries and Pisces from March 1st to April 12th, your focus turns inward. Family dynamics or housemates might test your last nerve, but this is your moment to reimagine what “home” really means. Enter Saturn, moving into Aries on May 24th to enforce boundaries with the determination of a stoic librarian. It’s time to set rules for your domestic life. When should doors stay closed? Who’s responsible for the metaphorical (or literal) dishes? Saturn demands answers—and enforces consequences. If you invest in this clarity now, your future self will thank you.
By June, Jupiter in Cancer brings sweet relief to partnerships. The same connections that challenged you earlier now feel expansive and supportive. Then Uranus in Gemini electrifies your 6th House of routines, inviting you to innovate everything from how you work to how you relax. Experiment freely but responsibly—no tearing up your entire workflow without a contingency plan.
2025 is a year of pragmatic progress. Reinforce your bridges and watch your kingdom thrive.
With steely resolve,
Your Lead Engineer
Dearest Connector of Humanity, Bearer of Water for all to Drink,
The cosmos turns a new chapter in your story as Pluto unveils the deeper layers of your home base,
And 2025 whispers promises of bold beginnings.
You, eternal visionary, stand at the edge of possibility,
As the stars urge you forward with courage and purpose.
Saturn strides into Aries, lighting up your mind,
Sharpening your thoughts into tools of action.
This is your time to speak, to teach, to lead,
To turn ideas into movements,
And let your voice echo far and wide.
Neptune, dreamy and divine,
Follows Saturn into Aries,
Blurring the edges of logic with visions of magic.
It shows you the beauty in the intangible—
Your words can heal, your ideas can inspire.
Lean into this balance: structure and spirit,
Logic and wonder, all as one.
Uranus, your rebellious ruler,
Leaps into Gemini, awakening your fifth house of joy.
Electric waves spark your creativity,
And you’re called to play, to express, to create boldly.
Love feels exciting, art feels alive,
And the world becomes a canvas for your unique genius.
Jupiter dives into Cancer, nourishing your roots and your routines.
It expands your connection to home and family
Wrapping you in warmth, safety, and belonging.
This is a season to nest, to grow, to honor your heart’s need
For comfort amidst the world’s endless movement.
And the nodes of fate shift into Pisces and Virgo,
Drawing your attention to what you have and what you give.
The North Node in Pisces whispers of soulful abundance,
Reminding you that your worth is not only in what you earn
But in how you connect with something greater.
The South Node in Virgo releases perfectionism,
Letting you surrender control to a higher flow.
Aquarius Rising, 2025 is a symphony of growth and renewal,
A time to embrace who you are becoming.
The stars ask you to balance vision and action,
To find joy in creation, and to ground yourself in love.
You are the dreamer of the future,
The architect of a world not yet imagined.
With admiration for all that you are,
The Great Beyond
Here Fishy, Fishy,
Guess what? You’re one of the slippery chosen ones in 2025! The eclipses along the Pisces-Virgo axis will render your name in cosmic light. And yes, it will change you, even though you’re well-acquainted with the brackish vicissitudes of Saturn in your first house since March 2023. How does it feel to wear star-studded adult waiters?
I hope you’ll find a way to let the Harvest Queen grace you with just the right amount of sharp grit to supercharge your future visions. Plowing the fields in your seventh house, those who will hold you accountable for your actions are not the enemy. Consider this… their nose-to-the-grindstone demands are happening for you, not to you. Is there anyone standing in your way, really?
You’ll get plenty of opportunities to brand your new and improved life purpose as Venus, Neptune, and Saturn refine your neon-tipped, stardust tattoo. As each enters and exits your second house, Aries (March-October), ensure you integrate the Piscean messages meant to alchemize hot resources into ever greater security. Dream big, but don’t forget to track your bank account.
Jupiter in Cancer, in your fifth house, is your creative BFF starting in June. You lucky thing. What more could you ask for? Abundant creativity is yours to express in spades, proving that you are the creative genius we all know you are.
And not to be overlooked, Uranus’s restless wander-lust will settle into your fourth house of home and family in July for seven-ish years. Maybe you can’t afford a second home in Uruguay (oh, but to dream!), but you’re bound to find ways to revolutionize your temple.
All for Now,
Your Present and Future
Excellent! Thank you. I feel your loving, supportive energy for all of us on this wild ride. And a whoosh of a year for us Gemini communicators ♊️ "Embrace your voice, rediscover your power, And nurture the foundation of your truest self...frendships, community, and dreams for the future."
Thankyou. This Gemini rising is looking forward to the year now. The start was looking a bit shaky!