A Guided Meditation for Sagittarius Season
Begin by finding a comfortable position, either seated or lying down, in a space where you won’t be disturbed. Gently close your eyes, letting go of any distractions or tension. Take a deep breath in, filling your lungs, holding for just a moment, and then slowly release the breath, allowing yourself to settle into this present moment. Breathe deeply a few more times, letting each exhale soften your body and release any tension you might be holding.
Now, we’re going to bring our attention to the parts of the body associated with Sagittarius—the legs, thighs, hips, sacrum, and liver. These parts of our bodies are connected to movement, strength, exploration, and vitality. As we move through each area, bring a sense of gratitude to the ways in which these parts support you, physically and energetically.
Start by bringing your awareness to the soles of your feet. Feel them connected to the ground beneath you. Imagine a warm, grounding energy rising from the earth, moving up through your feet. Feel this energy bringing warmth, stability, and connection to your feet and ankles. This grounding energy supports you, giving you a solid foundation. With each breath, let that energy rise a little higher, filling your legs with a gentle, calming warmth. Allow your feet and ankles to relax completely, letting go of any tension they might be holding.
Slowly move your attention up to your lower legs, feeling the warmth traveling through your calves and shins. Notice any sensations here, perhaps a tingling or a gentle pulsing as you bring awareness to these parts of your body. Let any tightness or tension release, feeling your calves and shins soften and relax. With each exhale, let go a little more, making room for relaxation and openness.
Now shift your focus to your knees. Feel the stability and flexibility that your knees offer you, supporting your movement and balance. Breathe into this space, letting go of any stiffness or tension you might be holding here. Imagine a lightness surrounding your knees, releasing any tightness and allowing for ease of movement. As you breathe deeply, visualize your knees softening, becoming lighter and more relaxed.
From your knees, move your awareness up to your thighs. Feel the strength and power that your thighs give you, supporting you in walking, running, and exploring the world. Notice any sensations in your thighs, letting your attention rest here for a few breaths. As you inhale, imagine your thighs filling with a warm, radiant energy that relaxes and revitalizes them. With each exhale, let go of any tightness, allowing your thighs to soften. Visualize this warmth spreading throughout your thighs, filling them with a sense of strength, freedom, and flexibility. Let yourself feel gratitude for the power and support your thighs offer, knowing that they carry you through your daily life with stability and strength.
Now, bring your focus to your hips and the area around your sacrum, at the base of your spine. This area supports both stability and openness, allowing you to move through the world with balance and ease. Notice any tension or tightness you might be holding in your hips or lower back, and as you breathe, let this tension melt away. Imagine a warm, soothing energy radiating from your sacrum, extending out through your hips, creating a sense of spaciousness and release. Feel your hips becoming more open, more flexible with each breath. Embrace the feeling of groundedness here, balancing strength and ease, and allow yourself to feel a sense of readiness for whatever lies ahead.
Now, shift your awareness to your liver, located just beneath your right ribcage. The liver plays a vital role in your body’s energy and vitality, cleansing and supporting you day to day. As you breathe, imagine a soft, golden light surrounding your liver, gently nurturing and energizing it. This golden light cleanses and revitalizes, helping release any buildup or heaviness. Feel a renewed sense of energy and vitality flowing from your liver, radiating out to the rest of your body. Let each inhale bring fresh, cleansing energy to your liver, and each exhale carry away any heaviness or fatigue. With each breath, feel yourself becoming lighter, more energized, more vibrant.
Now, take a moment to expand your awareness to your entire body, from the soles of your feet all the way up to the top of your head. Feel the balance between groundedness and openness, strength and flexibility. Notice how each part of your body contributes to this sense of wholeness and vitality. With each breath, feel yourself embracing the spirit of Sagittarius—a spirit that celebrates movement, exploration, and freedom. Imagine yourself moving through the world with a sense of curiosity, openness, and courage, just like the archer aiming toward new horizons.
Take one final deep breath in, filling your body with this energy of freedom and exploration. Hold for a moment, and then release, letting go of any lingering tension. When you’re ready, gently wiggle your fingers and toes, bringing movement back to your body. Slowly open your eyes, carrying this energy of strength, openness, and readiness for adventure into the rest of your day.
Alison Dale is an artist, ecological astrologer, and somatic guide based in the traditional lands of the Tewa people, known today as Santa Fe, NM. She is also the host of the podcast Cycles of Time (Instagram: @cyclesoftimepodcast). Learn more about her work and current offerings at alisonmariedale.com or on Instagram at @astro.somatics.