October 12, 10:07 pm PT - Oct 15, 9:10 am PT (Your Time Zone)
Frivolous flares of ingenuity and skillful craft are rekindled in a swirl of invigorating Air. The adaptable Twins effortlessly attune to the rhythm of the Moon’s fertile breath, freeing up space to invite surprising conceptions to emerge from the under-explored corners of our imagination.
A swift sextile to Jupiter sends Luna on a smooth cruise-control ride toward a trine with her host Hermes. Accompanied by his muse, Venus, Mercury thoroughly enjoys this perfect opportunity to offer the Moon a form of purified chatter, possibly poetry. Deftly, he chooses the most eloquent tool available to describe the ineffable.
Read our new article on antiscia and contra-antiscia here. Chart example included!
The Moon, reflecting Hermes and Aphrodite’s alchemical work, translates their efforts into the cumbersome labor of trying to harmonize Gemini’s inherent contradictory nature.
Could Aphrodite’s love teach you how to affectionately embrace this inner paradox instead of fruitlessly trying to balance it? Let conflicting thoughts, opinions and emotions dance freely and allow them to open the door to fresh insights and a deeper awareness. Let this game spark your creativity!
If you have a hard time expressing yourself; ask Hermes to help you develop a new language. With Mercury back in the sign of the Scales, and in his final opposition to Jupiter, he’s willing to pull his weight.
However, the ego-threatening details of our inner conflicts are brutally stripped bare by both Saturn’s trine and Mars’s extended visit to Gemini. With the disillusionment of the separating square between Mars and Neptune still felt, we’re forcefully pulled out of our comfort zone. We can no longer seek refuge behind one of the Twins’ faces. Our desperate exhibitions of protest, our panicky kicking and screaming does not remotely impress Mars who spurs us on to build courage, to become fearless and powerful. To copy his heroism.
Consider This…
This is the last time Luna conjoins Mars before he turns retrograde on October 30 at 6:24am PT. After this passage, you’re on your own. Seize this occasion to confront your fears and step into unfamiliar terrain.
Rather than trying to circumvent the inevitable, ask Ares to guide you and give you the braveness necessary to thrust aside any lingering hesitations or hurdles.
I’m loving all these delicious posts and resonating sooo much with the beautiful images. Definitely feeling that inner turmoil and loving how Mars has pushed me back to training at the gym!