The New Moon in Scorpio perfects on All Souls Day in North America, November 1, 2024 at 5:54 am PT (your time). A time of witches, goblins and the ghosts of our ancestors. The unlit face of Luna in her fall does not disappoint. She comes dressed for the occasion with cautionary tales from the sea of beings already crossed over; they remind us that we too will one day cross.
Wisdom is not usually wrapped in pink satin with candy and bows; neither is this lunation. But like the middle of the ocean in the dead of night there is an instructive beauty and silence that can flood our bones with awe. Luna is beginning her next cycle and is herself refreshed, if not a little ‘over’ all the wild transformations these times keep bringing. Let her sense of irony tickle your grave-side funny bone.
“I’ll have a Dark and Stormy,” Luna quips as she sidles up to Sol at 9 degrees Scorpio. He is brooding over redacted FBI files in a blackened corner of an underwater bar he alights. In unison their Scorpion tails swish unerring, willful and sharp. Just ahead of them, from a dingy stage with a crystal clear sound system, Mercury hurls his own tales of the stories behind the stories. The crowd undulates in heavy sea creature laughter and sobbing. Sardonic and knowing glances dart amongst guffaws as tables jump from pounding fists. The jukebox croons,“Bad, bad company till the day I die.”
This New Moon is a whole lotta water. Five of the original 7 planets including both of the Lights and both of the Darks are swimming in feeling. Ashes to ashes we all fall down. Both Luna and Mars are in their unhappy places sharing mutual fallen reception. Have you ever reached rock bottom with a friend and felt like “Hey this is kinda sweet.”? Sharing miseries may be the best sanctioned solace of this lunation.
Luna leaves Sol and floats her onyx face over to Saturn who is drifting backwards in unbounded waters at 12 degrees of Pisces. She nudges him from a night terror wherein he had become a cat forced to bathe. Slowing down to turn direct on November 15, the Dark God of Naysayers grumbles his indignity into the night sea.
Mars in the last degree of Cancer is hosting this party in the “Down Deep.” The rage of protective impulses rattles the chest of every soul present. This emo group is serious about their bad company. Just 40 arc minutes and 48 clock hours from perfecting an explosive face off with Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn, Mars is boiling emotional waters and Pluto is shifting the tectonic plates from the lowest lands on earth.
Something gets revealed while Mercury at 28 degrees of Scorpio laments the last of his melodic enchantments. In an applying trine to his host, Mars in Cancer, and sextile to Pluto in Capricorn, Mercury is a true psychopomp able to voice both sides of their brewing tension. The only problem is that, in the sign of Scorpio, Mercury is mute. So, listen for whispers in the shadows.
Shadows are fertile places unless you resist them. If you ‘other’ their dim potencies, or imagine you are not made of at least a few, they will surely come back to haunt you. Arbiter of Fate, Luna, is inviting us to go deep and excavate our lost vulnerabilities and fears. Human beings love to tell scary stories for a reason and on this All Souls Day, the veils are so thin they are water. Proceed with kindness because even if it isn’t you, someone you know is going to be fighting the undertow.
Consider this…
Though the Scorpio New Moon asks us to deal directly with what bubbles up from the gloom, many of the most difficult aspects happen at the end of signs. This means that there will soon be a palpable shift of the energies. The sky is also filled with trines and sextiles. It feels right to approach the sticky stuff.
Ease and opportunity lay in wait as well. Venus at 17 degrees Sagittarius is opposing retrograde Jupiter at 20 degrees Gemini during this lunation and while neither are seen by Luna, Venus is a real good-time-girl in Jupiter’s sign. Prodding the befuddled gas giant and offering hope-filled merriment far above the watery base notes of this time, listen for her song of adventure. “Be a philosopher,” Venus sings from her heart-fire. The big picture takes time to unfold.
Liz Wickhart is an artist, writer, and somatic educator. Facilitating in a partnership style, she and her clients stalk the wilderness of body, mind, movement, and stars in order to discover new options for mobility, strength, aliveness, and meaning.
Gorgeous writing and artwork! You are amazing. 💜🌀
Absolutely love this…..well I would with a Scorp asc plus a Moon Neptune stinger of a conjunction in the 12 th not too mention a Sun and Mercury in Cancer in the 8th…….your writing is inspiring……..