Capricorn season, with Saturn as the domicile lord, suggests the cool, damp earth of the winter season. Exalted lord Mars reflects the struggle for re-emergence into the light that we feel at this time of year in the Northern Hemisphere.
One of the birthstones associated with the sign of Capricorn is garnet, a stone that in its raw state is inconspicuously brown and dull but, when polished, has a vibrant, deep red lustre that even in ancient times was connected to our inner, spiritual light.
This is a wonderful stone to connect and work with when considering the responsibilities we aim to carry this year. If you have set yourself a New Year resolution and are already wavering, then garnet can help you power through a lack of motivation, feelings of insecurity, or lack of self-confidence. Garnet can also give you a boost to keep your ideas and goals in view. For those who must deal with SAD (Seasonal Adjustment Disorder), this stone can help alleviate the darkness that is held within by lightening the spirits.
Garnet was the stone of warriors, it was believed to warn the holder of potential danger and protect them from harm. Considering this is a stone connected to both Saturn and Mars, it shows us how the two planets that are most feared in a chart can work together brilliantly to achieve great things. The determined, solid approach of Saturn in their feminine earth sign with the ambitious, courageous energy of Mars combines warmth with the cold, damp earth, a combination needed to stimulate growth.
Read here for more information on the properties of garnet.
The Goddess Nyx
As the winter season is one of quiet reflection, when our bodies naturally crave introspection, the night is the best time to approach this ritual. If you enjoy working with Goddess energy, I suggest Goddess Nyx. I associate Her with Capricorn season as She is a primordial Goddess who sits in Her cave, cloaked, on the edges of the known and unknown worlds. To visit Her is to find yourself on the brink of crossing from one plane to another. Nyx has an Orphic Hymn of her own. One way to work with her regularly is to recite this hymn to Her and see how your energy changes each evening as the nights draw in.
Ritual Preparation
For your ritual, you will need a quiet space, a small candle, and a red garnet (a sphere if possible). If you do not have a piece of garnet available, you can look up some images beforehand and use a photo. Then, invoke the spirit of garnet and hold the image in your mind. Â
When preparing yourself for any ritual, the more mindful of each step you are, the greater the benefit. This is one of Saturn’s great lessons. Allow yourself time beforehand, if possible, to mindfully tidy and cleanse your workspace. Attuning to the ritual space completely helps to clear your intention and set it firmly in place.
Once your space is clear, prepare yourself with a cleansing bath or shower or a ceremonial washing of face and hands. Find a dark garment that you can cover your head with; a cloak is ideal, but a scarf will create the same feeling of enveloping security.
And Now…
If you work with a circle, then draw out your space. Step into your circle and sit on the floor if possible or in a chair where your feet can be comfortably and firmly flat on the ground.
Cover your head with your garment if you have not already, and light your candle.
Look just past the flame of the candle, slightly squinting your eyes. You will find your perception and senses become more attuned to your invisible energy and that around you. Notice your breath and wait until you feel a sense of calm envelope you.
Hold your garnet cupped in both hands, your dominant hand on the bottom and your other hand on top, totally enclosing the crystal.
Close your eyes and take three deep cleansing breaths, in and out.
Picture yourself in a completely safe space, maybe at a cave mouth or a log cabin, somewhere remote but where you feel at peace and secure. The aroma of damp, loamy earth surrounds you as you look out to a clear cool night sky full of bright stars.
Consider the weight of the crystal within your cupped hands and feel it warming as you regard its texture and weight.
Now imagine light within the crystal glowing brighter as you feel the gentle warmth emanate out from the centre. As the warmth grows, perceive the light beginning to radiate through your closed hands. As the energy flows into your body, moving gently towards the earth you are resting on, sense the force looping from you to the earth and back again, keeping you gently anchored to the Great Mother but allowing you free movement, your body in harmony with the Source.
Draw your attention back to the warmly glowing crystal in your hand and ask the spirit of garnet to guide and help you through this Capricorn lunar season, to help lift your spirit, courage, direction, drive, motivation, determination, and anything else that you require within the capacity of garnet to provide.
Ask your inner guide/higher self to remember that the energy of garnet can light your way in the darkness and guide you through challenging times, allowing you to work through blocks and tough situations.
Once you have spent time focusing on your intent, sit with the garnet quietly and let the energy flow from you to the earth until you feel the intensity begin to dissipate. As the garnet slowly cools, the rate of the energy reduces until it is a barely perceptible pulse.
Thank the spirit of Garnet for its assistance now and anytime in the future when you need a boost of this solid earth energy, knowing that you can call on the stone for help when you need to feel grounded and motivated.
Take three deep, releasing breaths in and out, partially opening your eyes and looking slightly past the flame of your candle. Take a few moments to acclimatise yourself to your body and surroundings.
If you can, leave the candle to burn down on its own in a safe place (do not leave a naked flame unattended). This is always best. If not, use a way of extinguishing the candle without using your breath; a candle snuffer is best.
If you have an altar set up, place your garnet there and try and spend a few minutes each day through this Capricorn Moon cycle to reconnect with the energy of garnet. If you would like to harness the energy throughout the day, then carry the crystal with you, remembering to cleanse the stone of the built-up energies regularly.
Once your ritual is complete, take a few quiet minutes to have a small healthy snack and rehydrate, connecting yourself back to your body.
I wish you all well through this Moon cycle. May the quiet, determined power of garnet help you to stick with your plans and projects through 2024.
Saffron Dennis is an astrologer, crystal therapist, horticulturalist, and tarot reader based in the East Anglia region of the UK. You can book Saffron for a reading or as a speaker at your local or online event. Contact:Â
Thank you, Saffron. I am a Capricorn Moon and this season is always the heaviest for me. I love the idea of the garnet symbolizing the essence of Mars + Saturn and the deep red warming the heavy gray hue the sky and soul tend to emit this time of the year. Nice to be back in class with you. :-)