Those with strong Scorpionic flavours in their charts can attest to the understanding that as the seasons turn, we need to witness the dark to appreciate the light.
Fire and water are the energies at play with the Mars opposition to Pluto aspect. Mars is holding on just long enough in Cancer to control Scorpio's New Moon cycle. Many are quite rightly concerned; in cardinal signs, these planets of dynamic energy are walking out the door as they leave their respective signs, but what weapons of destruction do they hurl behind them as they go?
I will let my fellow AO writers take you through the astrology of this cycle while we look at the energy baked into this first moment of the Moon-Sun conjunction in the sign of the Scorpion.
Transfiguration is a term often used to describe the home of the Scorpion, a place that many brighter-minded folk fear to tread. What do we get when we mix the fiery temperament of Mars with the deep, dark, still waters of Scorpio? As the feminine temple of the planet of war, I look to the Goddess Pallas Athena as holding the keys to this realm. Athena is wise, watching from the shadows, crafting and weaving while deciding on the appropriate action.
Scorpio energy is not reckless, rampant, or quick. This is a fixed water sign; water is either in stasis as ice or in pools or pipes where there is no way of spreading and deviating from the path. When emotion has no outlet or way to spread out and connect with other water, evaporation is the only release. What better way to escape than steam?
I am firm in my belief that running and hiding from these transits can sometimes bring them to our door with a crash. However, if we can find a way to represent the energies and welcome them into our home willingly but on our terms, we can hopefully mitigate some of the challenging energies.
This stone symbolises the transforming energy that can be beneficial when the work truly is done. It was discovered and given its name in 1770 off the coast of Labrador, Newfoundland, Canada. It is interesting to me that the breed of dog named after this area is classed as one that is loyal and trustworthy enough to retrieve food, particularly fish and bring it back to its owner.
This stone can be found worldwide but is renowned for its discovery in the shallow waters and beaches around Canada and Scandinavia, mirroring the skies of those areas. When polished, the crystal is genuinely striking, yet it can also look grey and dull if it does not pick up the light. The Schiller effect creates beautiful waves of colour that shimmer like the Aurora Borealis.
As a stone that protects the wearers' aura from energy vampirism, this is the stone to wear as you go out Trick or Treating or looking to work with energies outside oneself while the veil is thin at Samhain. As boundaries are thin energetically around this time, a need for the auric field to have a helping hand is more than just good sense.
As it is relatively cheap and can be found in large pieces, it is an excellent stone to have dotted around the house and is also a stunningly beautiful centrepiece. It makes wonderful costume jewellery as it offers flashes of refracted light. This mineral is rich in calcium but also has an aluminium content, so if you want to create an elixir, use the indirect method.
A Labradorite Ritual for the Scorpionic Energy
When thinking about the topic of this month's article, I realised we need to get practical. Therefore, I am offering a straightforward ritual to assist through the month.
Our host of the New Moon, Mars, is in the sign of Cancer, the place of home and nourishment. Hosting the Moon and Sun in the watery depths of Scorpio just kept bringing up one thing to mind: soup! Well, it's stock, but you can add whatever you want after making it.
Transforming simple vegetables by boiling and simmering them into a healthy source of nourishment is the most impactful way to work with the energy of the season.
What better way to energetically transform a few basic ingredients into a wholesome dish that can be enjoyed over a period of a few days or even weeks?
What You Will Need
Labradorite, ideally as jewellery or as a large piece in the room. If you don’t have it, a picture of the stone will help connect to the energy.
2 x Carrots
2 x Celery sticks
1 x Onion or leek
2 x Garlic Clove
Vegetable oil (preferably cold pressed, e.g. coconut)
1 litre / 4-5 cups of water
Salt & Pepper
Bay leaves
Other herbs you can add are thyme & parsley. Double the quantities for a bigger portion!
Large Saucepan
SieveStorage containers/Mason JarsIce trays
This is not just cutting veg and shoving it into the pot; it is a mindful ritual.
Before you start, clean the area and remove clutter, distractions, and, if possible, other people. Also, clean the vegetables you will be using.
As you are cleaning - this is also a transformation - consider anything that has recently caused hurt or upset. Do this kindly, without judging yourself or others. This is just a simple replay of events but from a safe distance.
Once your area is clear, set out all of your ingredients and put them on the counter/table in front of you.
Take your bay leaves and write a positive affirmation on the back of each leaf with a nontoxic pen. For best effect, keep these leaves in a pot with your labradorite overnight so that they can imbue the intention, e.g., "I am courageous, confident, and motivated." You decide what works best for you.
Cut up your leeks, onions, and garlic. These are Mars plants. What Martial traits, if any, would you like to release, such as anger, aggression, and combative behaviour?
And then, as it is not good to leave a vacuum, what Martial traits could serve you well? Are you looking for more drive, assertion, focus, or courage?
As you cut up these ingredients, heat your pan and add a splash of oil. Add the ingredients to the pan, stir clockwise with your dominant hand, and lightly brown the vegetables. Think only about the positive aspects you are bringing in now. As you stir, restate your affirmation.
Add water and bring it to a boil. Watch the water bubble as it heats and the steam begins to rise. Consider the process of water becoming steam. How fortunate we are to have the ability to use heat to alchemise our food.
Once the water is at a rolling boil, add the remaining vegetables and turn the heat down to a gentle simmer. Add the salt, pepper, herbs and bay leaves and stir three times to repeat your affirmation. Leave to simmer for an hour, and then turn off the heat.
Remember that you are retaining the liquid, and the solids can go to the compost. Don’t do as I did once, which was pouring the liquid down the drain! So, in a large bowl or jug (glass is best), pour the contents through the sieve so that the liquid is in the containers, and then place the Labradorite next to the container and let the liquid cool.
Once the stock has cooled completely, you can store it in a mason jar or freeze it in ice containers for handy portions to use in soups, stews, and sauces. You can also tape your affirmation to the jar for some added strength.
Stock is versatile, and using this ingredient in your food over the coming month helps reaffirm your desire to use the lunation's energy cooperatively, working with it rather than trying to avoid it.
You can even drink it as a hearty, tasty, mineral-rich drink.
Once you have finished your preparation, close your ritual alchemy by mindfully cleaning all your pots, pans, utensils, and the area. Then, sit with your Labradorite for a few minutes to thank it for the work it has assisted in.
I would love to hear what recipes you used your stock for. Please feel free to share your pictures and comments. Enjoy your culinary creations!
Saffron Dennis is an astrologer, crystal therapist and tarot reader based in the East Anglia region of the UK. You can book her for a reading or as a speaker at your local or online event at
Oh I love this Saffron, I stopped reading mid sentence and ran for my labrdorite ring! This is a ritual I WILL do (again and again) and a great way to speak with Mars in Cancer. James Low, Dzogchen student and teacher, unknowingly described Mars in Cancer when talking about Human nature: "Cooking is a violence. Chop, chop, chop, I’m going to turn you into something for me. I’m going to turn you into something that I want. 'You' objectify the world because you want to eat it. We are violent creatures."
I love Saffron's rituals, thank you so much.