Hey friends,
Welcome to the longest night and the shortest day, the Solstice, the holy day of Yule in the Pagan Wheel of the Year, and the Sun’s ingress into the sign of the sea-goat.
Capricorn is one of the Zodiac’s mythical creatures, a hybrid fusion of a fish and a goat, so although it’s often associated with the Saturnian characteristics of discipline, ambition, and hard work, it’s also a sign of magic and mysticism. The solar ingress to the sign on the darkest night of the year tracks with this: it is a time of year when we historically have needed to focus on survival and getting to the top of the mountain, but it is also the time of year when we get more time to spend in the darkness, our internal world, the liminal space of our dreams.
Here are this Capricorn season’s planetary transit highlights:
● December 21: Sun enters Capricorn
● Dec 22: Last quarter moon in Libra
● Dec. 24: Jupiter square Saturn
● Dec. 30: New Moon in Capricorn
● Jan 2: Venus enters Pisces
● Jan 6: Mars Rx enters Cancer & First Quarter Moon in Aries
● Jan 8: Mercury enters Capricorn
● Jan 13: Full Moon in Cancer
● Jan 19: Sun enters Aquarius
In these depths of winter, we can also gain some insights by examining the astrological correspondences of Capricorn within our bodies and our human life cycles!
Capricorn in the Body
Capricorn, the ambitious and disciplined earth sign, is associated with structure, perseverance, and resilience. In the philosophy of Zodiac Man, Capricorn governs the skeletal system, specifically the bones, joints, knees, and teeth. This sign’s association with these foundational structures reflects its qualities of stability, endurance, and support—both in the physical body and in life pursuits. Understanding Capricorn’s correspondences in the body offers insight into how this grounded sign influences our health, resilience, and strength.

The primary body part associated with Capricorn is the skeletal system. Bones serve as the body's core framework, supporting all movement, balance, and protection of vital organs. Just as Capricorn’s energy is linked to structure, boundaries, and discipline, bones provide the foundation for physical strength and stability. The strength of our bones impacts our posture, alignment, and mobility, paralleling Capricorn’s association with resilience and the stamina needed to achieve long-term goals. Capricorn’s influence reminds us of the importance of keeping bones healthy and strong through weight-bearing exercises, calcium-rich foods, and vitamins, as well as maintaining overall health practices that support lifelong bone integrity.
Another key part of the body ruled by Capricorn is the knees. The knees are essential for movement, flexibility, and balance, allowing us to walk, run, and stabilize ourselves in everyday tasks. In the same way, Capricorn’s energy is characterized by its ability to adapt while remaining grounded, supporting us in making steady, grounded progress in life. Knees are especially prone to wear and tear, reflecting Capricorn’s realistic awareness of time, aging, and the importance of care and maintenance for enduring strength. Many people encounter knee issues, particularly with age, underscoring the Capricorn principle of enduring patience and perseverance. Proper care through exercises that strengthen the muscles around the knees and flexibility practices that support joint health align with Capricorn’s emphasis on longevity and sustainable growth.
Capricorn also governs joints in general. Joints are the connecting points of the skeletal system, allowing for movement and flexibility. Without the flexibility of joints, movement would be restricted and rigid, underscoring the balance Capricorn seeks between stability and adaptability. Like Capricorn’s cautious approach to life, joints require support and care to avoid strain and injuries that could lead to stiffness or limitations. Exercises like yoga and stretching are beneficial for joint health, enhancing flexibility and range of motion. Capricorn’s energy reminds us to approach the body with patience, diligence, and regular maintenance to support flexibility and structure over time.
Lastly, Capricorn has a special connection with the teeth, another structural and essential body part. Teeth serve as the initial step in digestion, aiding in breaking down food and allowing us to absorb nutrients efficiently. Just as Capricorn emphasizes practicality and function, our teeth are foundational to nourishing our entire system. Healthy teeth and gums are often a reflection of our overall health. They are essential for communication, a subtle reminder of Capricorn’s link to discipline and the importance of self-presentation. Dental hygiene, like Capricorn’s traits of consistency and responsibility, requires daily care to maintain health and strength over the years.
Capricorn’s correspondences in the body—the bones, knees, joints, and teeth—offer valuable insights into how we can support our physical structures and embrace Capricorn's disciplined, patient energy. Taking care of these areas through regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and preventive practices reflects Capricorn’s values of dedication and resilience, helping us build a strong foundation for both body and mind. Whether focusing on strengthening bones, maintaining flexibility in joints, supporting knee health, or practicing consistent dental hygiene, Capricorn’s influence reminds us of the importance of dedication, care, and responsibility for lasting vitality and strength.
Capricorn in the Life Cycle: The Peak of Career/Impact Mountain (Late 60s)
Using the UN’s current average 73.5 as the total life cycle, Sagittarius corresponds with the Intimate Depths of our Late 50s and Early 60s. (Of course, many of us live much longer than this (and many of us quite a bit shorter due to various circumstances), so these are a basic guideline for breaking the wheel of life up into Zodiac signs.)
● Aries: Birth & Infancy (0-2)
● Taurus: The Sensory World of Toddlerhood (2-4)
● Gemini: Chatty Childhood (5-11)
● Cancer: Adolescence in the Shell (12-18)
● Leo: Our Roaring 20’s (19-27)
● Virgo: Saturn Return and It’s Aftermath (28-35)
● Libra: Mid-Life Crisis Years (late 30s-early 40s)
● Scorpio: The Intimate Depths (late 40s- early 50s)
● Sagittarius: Empty Nester/Wanderluster (late 50s-early 60s)
● Capricorn: The Peak of the Career/Impact Mountain (Late 60s)
● Aquarius: The Eccentric Old Cat Lady (jk, jk…:) (70s & up)
● Pisces: End of Life/the Liminal Space After Death and Before Rebirth
Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, embodies themes of ambition, endurance, and wisdom gained over time. Astrologically, Capricorn is linked to the late 60s in the human life cycle—a period often marked by reflection on achievements, legacy, and the culmination of a lifetime’s efforts. In these later years, individuals may look back on the careers and goals they spent decades building, measuring the impact of their work and achievements while also seeking a sense of lasting significance. This time in life aligns with Capricorn’s drive to solidify a meaningful legacy, highlighting the unique way that this sign values structure, discipline, and purpose.
For many, the late 60s are a time of considering retirement or reducing career commitments. The transition from full-time work to a slower pace changes focus, often moving from external accomplishments to personal fulfillment and inner satisfaction. This shift mirrors Capricorn’s ability to see value in long-term stability and the results of consistent dedication. After years of climbing the metaphorical mountain, this phase allows one to stand back and appreciate how far one has come. The Capricorn archetype reflects this achievement-based mindset, celebrating the strength and perseverance required to bring dreams to fruition over decades.

In these years, individuals often seek to leave a lasting mark on their family, community, or professional field. Just as Capricorn aims to establish a foundation that will outlast their immediate presence, many people in their late 60s often think about what they’ll leave behind. Many take on mentorship roles or community projects, hoping to pass on their knowledge and experience to the next generation. This time in life encourages the sharing of wisdom and insight, and Capricorn’s connection to the concept of the wise elder is particularly relevant. The practical experience and insight accumulated over a lifetime can be passed down, enriching others and creating a sense of continuity.
While Capricorn is known for its ambition, it’s equally valued for its practicality and realism. In the later stages of life, these qualities become especially useful as individuals adjust their goals to align with a slower, more thoughtful pace. This time of life encourages the Capricornian strength of focus, guiding individuals to concentrate on what truly matters. Reflection and clarity come to the forefront, allowing people to make peace with goals that were not fulfilled and embrace what has been achieved. This acceptance and insight align with Capricorn’s grounded and realistic nature, encouraging a balanced life, where achievements are appreciated but not the sole measure of self-worth.
The late 60s can also be a time of re-evaluation and finding purpose outside of work. Many people begin exploring new interests or returning to hobbies they once had to set aside. Capricorn’s energy supports this journey of rediscovering purpose, particularly one rooted in dedication, tradition, or creativity. In this phase, people may feel drawn to contribute in ways that resonate deeply with personal values, connecting with Capricorn’s sense of duty and responsibility. Engaging in new roles or activities that serve a purpose larger than oneself resonates with Capricorn’s enduring commitment to structure, consistency, and service.
Overall, Capricorn’s connection to the late 60s reflects the values of accomplishment, resilience, and grounded insight. During this time, individuals may shift their focus from building to preserving, finding satisfaction in what they’ve established and contributing meaningfully to others’ lives. Capricorn’s energy emphasizes the beauty of this phase as one of completion, maturity, and legacy. Embracing Capricorn’s qualities during the late 60s provides a deep sense of fulfillment, peace, and lasting influence, honoring both personal achievements and the opportunity to share one’s wisdom with future generations.
Self-Care for Capricorn Season
Capricorn season aligns with the darkest, coldest time of the year, encouraging us to go inward, reflect, and plan. Capricorn, an earth sign ruled by Saturn, is associated with resilience, ambition, and practicality, as well as with the skeletal system, especially the bones, knees, and joints. During this season, focusing on self-care that nurtures these areas can help you feel strong and grounded.
Here are some Capricorn-inspired self-care tips to support the parts of the body ruled by this steady and resilient sign:
Strengthen Your Bones
● Calcium and Vitamin D: Increase your intake of bone-friendly nutrients like calcium and vitamin D, essential for healthy bones. Try leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and fortified foods, or consider a high-quality supplement if necessary.
● Weight-Bearing Exercises: Regular activities like walking, jogging, or resistance training help build and maintain bone density.
Support Your Joints and Knees
● Gentle Yoga and Stretching: Capricorns benefit from grounding activities like yoga, strengthening and stabilizing joints. Focus on gentle stretches to maintain flexibility in the knees and lower body, reducing stiffness in colder weather.
● Joint Supplements: Consider adding supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin to support joint health. These can be helpful if you’re feeling more stiffness or aches during this season.
Create a Restorative Routine
● Epsom Salt Baths: The magnesium in Epsom salts can help ease muscle soreness, joint stiffness, and tension that often accumulate in the winter months. Soaking in warm water also helps promote relaxation.
● Herbal Teas for the Bones and Skin: Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and is linked to dry skin and hair in astrology, so hydration is key. Try teas like nettle or horsetail, which are rich in minerals that are beneficial for bones and skin.
Reflect and Set Intentions
Capricorn season is an ideal time for goal-setting and planning. Reflect on areas where you want to build more structure or strength in your life, just as you support your physical foundation. Write out achievable goals and make a practical plan for the upcoming year.
With these practices, you can honor Capricorn’s steady, grounded energy while supporting the body’s bones and joints. Embrace this season as a time to reflect, restore, and strengthen your foundation—physically and emotionally.
Have a beautiful end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025, friends. Remember that we’re still in a Mars retrograde phase until February, so set some goals and make some plans, but don’t expect the engines of the New Year to rev and growl until late February/March!
Take good care!
- Alison
A Guided Meditation for Capricorn Season
To begin this Capricorn season body scan meditation, find a comfortable seated or lying-down position where you won’t be disturbed. Gently close your eyes and take a deep breath in, filling your lungs completely, and then slowly exhale, releasing any tension you may be holding. Let each breath be an invitation to relax, to ground yourself in this moment. Take a few more deep breaths, letting each exhale carry away any stress, allowing your body and mind to settle…
Alison Dale is an artist, ecological astrologer, and somatic guide based in the traditional lands of the Tewa people, known today as Santa Fe, NM. She is also the host of the podcast Cycles of Time (Instagram: @cyclesoftimepodcast). Learn more about her work and current offerings at alisonmariedale.com or on Instagram at @astro.somatics.
I love all of this, especially the zodiac wheel of life phases. I am certainly connecting with the Cap energy already as I prepare for the new year, externally and internally. Love that Cap New Moon right before the 1st!
I’ve also been meditating on how Pluto’s time in Cap, for me, I created a really intense relationship with running, including a knee injury just as it was exiting.
Now that Pluto has entered Aquarius, my relationship with running, strength training and health is evolving with more wisdom, my body is stronger despite being older, and I’m connecting socially with running groups for the first time ever.
Thank you for the added insight 🌟