A buzzing sound in the middle of the night, his body completely paralyzed, and an overwhelming sense of a presence in the room. It’s the setting of an experience that defied explanation. Whitley Strieber recounted being taken by non-human entities; beings he would later describe as Visitors.
This extraordinary event that became the fulcrum of Strieber’s life’s work, happened on December 26, 1985 at his cabin in upstate New York. The experience profoundly unsettled him, involving episodes of missing time, disjointed memories, and an array of physical and psychological effects that left him questioning his own sanity. Yet Strieber refused to dismiss the event as mere delusion or dream. Seeking therapy and hypnosis to uncover repressed memories ultimately led to the detailed account in his 1987 book Communion.
I felt an absolutely indescribable sense of menace. It was hell on earth to be there [in the presence of the entities], and yet I couldn't move, couldn't cry out, couldn't get away. I'd lay as still as death, suffering inner agonies. Whatever was there seemed so monstrously ugly, so filthy and dark and sinister. Of course they were demons. They had to be. And they were here and I couldn't get away. - Whitley Strieber
Astrological charts do not limit their revelations to happenings that can be proven scientifically. The stars reveal a reality much more imaginative than that, because the stories, our experiences are always described by the chart, including the most mysterious ones. The first place to start with is always the natal chart.
High strangeness always has a Saturnian signature. Keeping the veil in place, Saturn traditionally guards the border between our imperfect realm and that of the fixed stars. Permission to peak behind the veil will be granted or denied by the Old Scythe Bearer. In Cancer, the sign of Saturn’s detriment, it’s easy to see how the veil might not be 100% waterproof, making it easier for Strieber to catch some glimpses of the Beyond.
A point of concretization, the North Node helps Saturn bring something utterly elusive into Strieber’s world. Saturn’s rigidity translates directly into physical paralysis, and the cold-blooded detachment Saturn is known for fits Strieber’s description of the experiments that were conducted on him.
Notice the antiscia forming between Saturn and Mercury. Not only does it indicate the fact that Strieber puts these mysterious experiences into words, but this hidden aspect also holds the promise of special knowledge about the unseen.
At the time of the event, Strieber was in a 5th house profection year, activating Mercury as a Time Lord. Mercury is well-dignified in his own domicile Gemini, and in aversion to both of the malefic planets Mars and Saturn. The tight square to Jupiter reveals a creative dynamic focused on exploration and imaginative discoveries. This is a fantastic position for the God of Scribes to be in, and in the 2nd house, Mercury supports Strieber as a successful writer. Prior to Communion, Strieber was best known for his horror and speculative fiction novels, such as The Wolfen and The Hunger. The 1985 5th house profection year marked a turning point that his readers didn’t anticipate.

As usual, at pivotal moments like this one, several astrological factors converge towards a main theme. The most significant clue can be found in the secondary progressed chart. In a lunar cycle that started with a solar eclipse on Saturn, the Moon in Capricorn engages in a tight opposition to her ruler. They’re in a mutual reception while they’re also exiled, suggesting an unusual cooperation, and the co-presence of the lunar nodes adds to the otherworldly atmosphere. This major activation of Saturn sets the tone.
In the transit chart, the Full Moon, opposing ethereal Neptune, has just entered Cancer, again, the place where Strieber’s Saturn resides. Transiting Jupiter and Saturn are in a mutual reception, which greases the wheels of potential shifts in beliefs and perspectives.
No doubt, I wont be believed, and that’s all right, because, in a sense, it leaves me free in ways that belief would not. - Whitley Strieber
Notice the emphasis on Sagittarius, where Mercury, the transiting Lord of the Year resided - in a close square to natal Jupiter and a sextile to transiting Jupiter - together with transiting Saturn, Uranus, and Venus. Echoing its hidden connection to Saturn in the natal chart, transiting Mercury now forms a contra-antiscion to natal Saturn. When zodiacally releasing from Strieber’s Lot of Fortune in Aries, Sagittarius was activated through a loosing of the bond, which is known to bring abrupt changes, a breaking with the past.
Interestingly enough, the alien encounter phenomenon is often associated with the 8th house theme of death or the Afterlife.
That the experience was frightening and intrusive is not surprising, seeing transiting Mars/Pluto/South Node threateningly oppose natal Venus, the significator of Strieber himself. They certainly describe the strange medical procedures. Uranus, opposing Strieber’s Mercury/Sun speaks to the same theme.
True to his important Mercury/Jupiter square, Strieber’s curiosity and search for the truth prevailed over the stigma associated with claims of alien abduction. He opened himself up to public scrutiny and criticism, becoming a lightning rod for debate about the nature of reality, consciousness, and the possibility of contact with non-human intelligence. He found himself thrust into the role of an accidental spokesperson for an experience that countless others claimed to share.
His ability to persist in the face of ridicule reflects an inner strength that is best described by Mars in Taurus the 1st house. It’s an Earthy Mars that stays stubbornly true to pragmatism, cherishing all aspects of our human experience. Strieber’s accounts of his abduction experiences are notably personal and introspective. Torn between terror and curiosity, he relentlessly wrestles with the possibility that these encounters may be real, psychological, or symbolic, embodying an openness rooted in a profound love for truth.
Michelle Corbesier is an astrologer and artist residing in Belgium with her beloved husband and furry companions. Offering natal, horary, and synastry consultations, Michelle is passionate about guiding others on their journeys of self-discovery and empowerment. Sharing her love for the starry craft, she also provides private tutoring and mentoring to aspiring stargazers. Get in touch with Michelle at her website Michelle’s Midheaven, and follow her on Substack, or Instagram.
Thank you for sharing this. I became fascinated by Whitley Streiber and his work ‘Communion’ as a teen. I have natal Saturn conjunct South node in Cancer in the 12th house sextile Mercury Virgo in the 3rd. Also a Mars in Taurus in the 11th in a grand earth trine with that Mercury balsamic Sun Virgo 3rd and north node in cap 6th … I need to read his book again. T Pluto is quincunx my natal Saturn and conjunct natal Jupiter on 8th house cusp. I am having lots of psychic and multidimensional experiences atm in addition to the usual and past experiences. Plus a Chiron return. I had experiences since childhood involving awareness of multidimensional beings and experience. Feels like awareness of these experiences are widening more atm.
Thank You, Michelle...Truly a POWERFUL read...Interesting about Saturn in the 8th House speaking to these experiences. I have been exploring this phenomena in my own chart as of late. I have discovered that Pluto and Uranus in the 12th seem to hold resonance as well. Saturn in the 8th house placement for sure! Since childhood and well maybe all the way back in the womb, I have had these experiences. Buzzing sounds, bright lights, even a visceral sweeping of the winds followed with sleep paralysis and the experience of a death like state. UFOS too. The experiences have been met at times with an inability to move my body - with a larger than life experience presence in the room - and Yes, some trips to other places, worlds and spontaneous flights throughout the cosmos - and planetary systems. What brings me joy and excitement about your post here is that thankfully there are many many people that have had these experiences and that it is much more common than one might think or believe. Thank You. It's nice and refreshing to hear of other accounts and to see how the accounts are reflected in the birth chart. I appreciate your inspiration to write about this topic as it is inspiring me to start sharing about some of my personal experiences. In time, I will. Thank you for stewarding this other-worldly topic to the collective!